Coquitos. Very yummy creamy tropical coconut eggnog made with spices and white rum. It is always requested at my holiday gatherings. (And sometimes gets selfishly hidden in the fridge by the hostess.) Serve in glass cups and sprinkle with more cinnamon if desired. It's very rich, so you can serve it over ice, if preferred, to dilute it a little.
Simply place in a decorative glass bottle. On this website you can find online educational games and games to test your reflexes, ability and cognitive skills. Enjoy these interactive activities or use them as educational resources for classroom activities or as a complement to schoolwork.
Puedes cocinar Coquitos utilizando 3 ingredientes y 4 no. Así es como cocinas eso.
Ingredientes de Coquitos
- Necesitas 115 gr de coco.
- Es 1 de huevo.
- Prepárate 50 gr de azúcar.
Coquito is a Puerto Rican version of Egg Nog. I experienced this for the first time last year and I can not get enough. My friend gave me the recipe and she makes it only at christmas, she fills wine bottles with it and then makes them look pretty and gives them as gifts. Coquito may translate to little coconut, but this boozy drink is big on coconut flavor.
Coquitos paso a paso
- Primero añadimos en el vaso de la batidora el huevo con el azúcar y batimos. Precalentamos el horno a 180 grados..
- Ahora incorporamos el coco y volvemos a batir..
- En una bandeja de horno ponemos papel de hornear y vamos añadiendo la masa dándole esa forma redondeada con un piquito..
- Cuando el piquito esté dorado los sacamos (cuidado que se queman rápido como a mi 😅). Dejamos que se enfríe y a disfrutar!.
Traditionally served around Christmas, this holiday drink originated in Puerto Rico and is made with rum. Coquito is a coconut-rum beverage originating from Puerto Rico, popular during the Christmas season. My grandmother and my mother use to prepare it as I was growing up, and the tradition has stayed with me! Coquitos closely resemble coconuts in appearance but are much smaller and do not contain any liquid. They are about the size of a large marble, with a woody looking exterior and a bright white interior.